Sunday, May 21, 2017

Flake Fun

21 May 2017 - First off, happy birthday to Ruth!   These last couple of weeks have been crazy but we are seeing some sort of possible normalcy on the horizon.

We got our garden planted yesterday which was really nice.  We transplanted our tomatoes about a week or so ago and we had to cover them a couple of times this week due to nearly freezing temperatures.  They are looking a little sad but we are hoping that they will pull through.   The forecasted futures are getting up around 80 so hopefully everything will stay healthy!

We have a bull that has taken up residence in the field next to our house.  He has decided recently that the best time to shout his macho nature to the world is any time between 5:00 and 5:30AM.  It gets really bad when the other neighbor bull decides to chime in.  I would NOT suggest that the Nilsson's add a bull to their farm. 

We are excited to see everyone this weekend!  Sorry that this is kind of short but I've got to get ready for church! 

Hey, if there is anything specific that you guys would like from our learning sessions (financial planning or electrical/around the house fixes) please let us know so that we can touch on it!  Love you all!

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