Sunday, May 7, 2017

Belliston Family Gathering - 2017
May 26 - 29 (Memorial Day weekend)
"Learn a Thing or Two"
* This is long, but plow through - it's good stuff to know!!
Thanks to those who have responded to questions. If you have not yet responded, there is still time! Tell us what ingredients you'd like to have on hand for your contribution to our "mission dinner."
Following is a very tentative plan for our Gathering. As you are well aware, things are likely to change (probably more than once or twice) before we actually get together.  But this will give you a general idea of what will be happening. Below the schedule there is a short list of assignments that you will want to pay close attention to. These will not likely change - unless, of course, it is necessary.
Friday, May 26:  (at our Hyde Park home)
      - Gather, hug and visit!
      - Mission dinner (everyone prepare one dish of your choice to contribute)
      - "Learning Sessions"
      - Family council with adult children
      - Mannings and Logan Bellistons sleep at their homes; Nilssons and Springville Bellistons at our house; Harts, Flakes and Emma at a VRBO house around the corner in Hyde Park
Saturday, May 27: 
      - Breakfast at our house
      - Family photos - please wear nice casual
      - Park Day - Lion's Park in Hyde Park (games, Olympics, "Learning Sessions", picnic lunch, play, get worn out!)
      - Back home for naps, visiting, Dinner, games, etc.
      *** Emma will be attending Senior Ball (that we thought was scheduled for the 20th, but is going to interrupt our plans) this evening. Please read to the end of her blog and respond to her plea/question.
      - Boggle competition....
Sunday, May 28:
      - Breakfast in the place where you sleep
      - 11:00 Church in Hyde Park for those who'd like to attend our ward (Mannings and Logan Bellistons may have to be in their own wards to teach, etc.)
      - Lunch, naps, walk, visit, "Learning Sessions"
      - Dinner at Dad's church building
      - Talent Show by children (parents are welcome to perform as well!)
      - Speaker (maybe)
Monday, May 29:
      - Hyde Park City Memorial Day Pancake Breakfast! We will discuss if/when you'd all like to attend. It goes from 7:00 - 10:00.
      - Awards, visit, play, games, etc.
      - Lunch
      - Goodbyes....
1.  Please notify us of when you are planning to arrive and depart as soon as you know.
2.  Respond to questions about T-shirt sizes and mission dinner ingredients.
3.  Each of the children may share one talent. This doesn't have to be a "performance" talent. It may be an art piece, a story/book/poem they've written, something they have built (or taken apart!), or just something they have learned that they think is interesting. Of course there will be a piano if anyone wants to play or be accompanied. We want to keep this rather short, so one talent per person will be great. If your whole family would like to present something, that would be delightful, too!!
4.  Plan your learning session.
5.  Practice your Boggle skills  :)
"Learning Session" Assignments:
These are really short, 5 to 10 minute presentations on subjects that family members have requested learning. We will offer time for questions, too, so you may need to plan on 15 minutes or so. If the assignment won't work for you, just let me know and we can change things.
Financial Planning/Investing - Jenn and Scott
Electrical Fixes (like, could you please change a light fixture for me?) - Scott
Gardening (tomato pruning, flower beds, basic garden tips) - Elise, Ruth, Lauren
Energy Types (Carol-style and why it's helpful to know) - Elise, Ruth, Lauren
Family Relationships (building strong marriage relationship/enjoy being a family) - Joe and Lori
Simple Morning Stretch Routine - Thomas
Self Reliance Tips - Garrett


  1. We just need 2 eggs and an oven.
    Scott wants a large shirt. Jenn wants a small.

  2. I would like a medium and tori would like a small :)
