Sunday, February 19, 2017

Birthday Week

Grant turned 5 last Thursday and we made his birthday cake tonight.  We had his birthday pinata on Friday with the Harts which was a blast, and we opened his presents on his actual birthday.  We like to draw it out as long as possible.

It was fun to have the Harts come for a minute this week.  We learned about cold showers and I'm almost tempted to try it out.

We enjoyed a fun Valentines dinner adventure this week.  We got a babysitter and decided to have a nice valentines dinner.  After driving around for about an hour we realized that you really do need to make reservations for Valentines dinner.  We finally found a place and only waited for 50 minutes before we got a seat.  Then we realized that they had a special Valentines menu that cost 3 times the normal price.  The dinner was good, but I don't know if it was that good.

I had a fun time helping at Grace's school this week.  I was assigned to different classrooms throughout the day and got to help students with math and reading.  I got to eat lunch in the cafeteria and play at recess.  It was my very first time going to elementary school and it was a blast!  The kids are smarter than I am which is a little discouraging, but I can kick a soccer ball farther than they can.

We got the battery in our car fixed so now we don't have to jump it every morning.  We also got new windshield wipers for the first time.  They actually make it so you can see when you're driving in the rain and snow!

The snow has melted and the kids think that means they can play out side all day without a coat.  It's still quite cold but they have a hard time understanding that.

That's all for this week.  Love you all!

Joe and Lori

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