Monday, February 13, 2017

Flake Fun

13 February 2017 - First off, happy belated birthday to Alex and Happy Birthday to Grant.  I think that is everyone for this week! Sorry that it has been a couple of weeks since we checked in.  Things here are fairly normal.  This past weekend we were able to run wire to the shed at our Lovelake property so now there is power out there which makes it a very nice little workshop.  Still no renters though.

We attended a family home evening with the extended Bailey (Dona's) family which was fun.

We started a new compost pile in the garden over our future potato location so hopefully that will help infuse the ground with stuff that potatoes like.  We also are trying our hand at green house potatoes to see if we can get enough to grow so we can use them for our potato seeds/starts...we'll see.

The weather this past weekend was LOVELY!  Sunny and in the 60's I would guess.  But yesterday was overcast and rainy.  But we need the moisture so we'll take it.

I can't think of much more to report.  Hope that the snow is melting slowly for all of you so that flooding doesn't happen.   Glad that our family didn't stop at Elise or Joe.  Family is so important and I never realized it to the extent that I do now.  I haven't been the best at keeping in contact and sharing my life with all of you but I am going to do better this year.  We love you and hope to see everyone soon. 

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