Sunday, February 26, 2017

Flake Fun

26 Feb 2017 - It was very nice to have Monday off for the holiday.  We spent most of the day at our rental doing some yard clean up and it is starting to look better.  We have had a couple of people that seem really interested so we are hoping to have it rented in the next couple of weeks, but we'll see.

The weather has been fairly nice these last couple of days but there has been a chilly wind much of the time, even when the sun is shining. 

We planted potatoes in our greenhouse as an experiment so we might have some seed potatoes soon!  We also planted tomatoes yesterday so the garden bug is starting to rear its head.  Scott has the whole garden planned out and hopefully it will be a little more successful than last year's. 

What else...that's about it I guess.  Glad to hear that Emma is recovering nicely and that everyone there is taking good care of her.  For Ruth's sake we Hope to hear good baby news from the Nilsson's this week.  Love you all!

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