Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Manning Moments

The last month or so has found us discovering what areas in the house need to be baby proofed. Wesley can cruise now on all fours and he knows exactly where to go when I forget to close doors. He has a preference for the toilet, his wheeled high chair and anything he can get his hands on in his dad's office. So I chase him around all day which is just delightful! He loves to pull himself up on everything and is eager to walk.
Seminary is going well. There have been some observations that were discouraging but also encouraging. The best thing for me is hearing about the things Nick is learning in the scriptures as he prepares. I need to study the New Testament more! We had a couple opportunities to attend some meetings with the Seminary faculties while Grandma and Grandpa watched Wesley which was a very nice get away.
This weekend I was reminded about how fun service is. We had a breakfast on Saturday for our Sunday school class just to get to know the kids better and to try and reach out to members that don't come very often. It was a blast! We have about 20 in our class and about 14 come regularly. We had 10 kids in our tiny living room and we had to make 4 batches of crepes! They stayed for two hours playing music, eating and playing games. It was a lot of fun. Right after that, Nick went to help a faculty member who is building his own house, prepare for painting. Wesley and I went to visit Emma while he was gone and that was sure fun. So if you need some fun in your life, invite 10 youth over to your house or do some service. I need to do more of that!
Nick has an endearing tendency to mix up his words and he has some great stories you should ask him about. He has started to rub off on me (it couldn't possibly be that my brain doesn't function anymore because I don't sleep) and we get some good laughs between the two of us. So here are some of the things we've said lately. See if you can decipher what we are trying to say!
Nick: It takes a lot of uppy bodder strength.
Lauren: Welsey's tin is chicklish
Nick: Wesley just sits and bees held.
Lauren: Our pans are heavy doodle.
Nick: He's just slunched over.
Lauren: We'll stay tuckled in today.

It's a continuous list  but hopefully it gives you some good laughs like it does for us!

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