Sunday, February 5, 2017

Nilsson News

I'm glad to know that we aren't adding to the insanity at the Hart's.  Eliza asks every day if she can go and play at the Harts because there is always entertainment to be had.  She was delighted to spend her birthday afternoon at their house.  She keeps forgetting that she is four now and she has a little giggle whenever she corrects herself.  We have also been enjoying the warmer weather.  Alex had Emerson and Eliza convinced that there was going to be a massive flood and we needed to go a build ourselves a raft or buy a canoe.  Apparently, all the snow was going to rush from the mountains and fill up Idaho Falls and there would be lakes everywhere.  Thanks Alex for your enthusiasm.  We do have some miniature lakes in our barn with our miniature animals.  It is quite a soggy mess but I guess you that is what you get in order to enjoy the sunshine.  One week and our first donkey foal is due!  We may have some fun pictures next week (I hope)!

So, I've been thinking that maybe I should have moved to Texas.  Isn't their theme "Go big or go home"?  I don't think the people here have ever seen a truly pregnant person.  I had so many comments today in church about my size.  "Are you sure there is only one in there?"  "Are you still lugging that thing around?"  "You have got to be tired of being pregnant."  "You still have four weeks to go?!"  It's a good thing I'm not easily offended.  To answer all your questions, YES!

Garrett's dad was here all week helping us with the basement.  We are now pretty much done with all the drywall.  The tape and texture guy is coming tomorrow to give us a bid and our neighbor that does tile is also coming to look at the shower.  After those items are complete we will have paint and flooring and then it's move in time!  We actually might reach our goal of getting things finished before our baby arrives.
Amen to Elise's recipe suggestions.  I have been exploring the little spice jar website this week and there are some dandy recipes on there.  Until next week, ta-ta!

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