Sunday, February 12, 2017

Springville News

Hi everyone!

Lori had a great idea a few weeks ago that she and I should participate in the stake choir.  That was a great idea and all, but we haven't been to stake conference together for the past 2 years because one of us always goes to the adult session and the other goes to the regular session with Grace and Grant. So this year we sent the kids with her parents and were able to attend the adult session together and sing in the choir today.  Elder Roney of the seventy came and it was so nice to be uplifted and feel spiritually rejuvenated.

I was able to attend the BYU devotional with Elder Cook this past week (I think is was this week), and that was a treat.  If you haven't seen it I would highly recommend it.  At one point he talked about the "demographic winter" that many countries are experiencing right now.  Meaning that they are not having enough kids to keep the population up.  He asked everyone who was the oldest in their families to stand up.  They did and then he said that the current situation in many countries suggests that the rest of us would have never been born.  Then he had everyone who was the 3rd child or later stand up (that was my group).  In our country everyone who stood up would not have been born at the current birth rate.  Anyway, I thought it was a good talk and would recommend it if you have a spare 25 minutes.

The other day Joy was being particularly good and cute, so I told her that she could have anything she wanted.  It wasn't three seconds later that she asked, "dad, can I have yo money?"  It was quite funny and made me a little more cautious of what I promise my children.

Two quotes from Lori this week that she never thought she would say:  "Jake, take your big toes out of your nose!  That's not where they belong!"  "Jake, stop eating the furniture!"  I just laughed.

Tonight we were at Lori's parents house and her dad mentioned that one of their friends they go to Nauvoo with is a great something grandson of Hyrum Smith.  Well, apparently he has death masks of Joseph and Hyrum made of plaster.  Well, Dave asked if he could borrow them and he would cast them in Bronze and give the guy a pair.  He showed us the death masks which was really neat!  Apparently when Joseph fell from the Jail he fell on his head and then someone hit him in the face with a gun which broke his jaw.  So this probably isn't exactly what he looked like most of his life, but it's still pretty good.

We hope you are all doing well and can't wait to see you!!  Alex, I'm sorry we missed Super Bowl Monday.  It sounded like a ton of fun.  Pencil us in for next year!


1 comment:

  1. I think living at your house for a couple days would be all the entertainment I needed for a year! So funny! And cool masks. Thanks for sharing.
