Sunday, February 19, 2017

Nilsson News

I apologize for not posting last week.  It was a sad week for our family and I wasn't much in the mood for writing.  Our little donkey, Pixy lost her foal and it was quite the sad thing.  We were all looking forward to it and were fairly confident that all would go well.  We think it may have been stillborn.  We are hoping that the other two will have better outcomes.
Anyway, this week was very much productive.  We are working like crazy to finish off the basement project.  We got all the painting done.  Our neighbor came to help us with the shower tile and we grouted it all yesterday.  We got our vanity and bathroom lights up.  Garrett got the whole bathroom floor installed yesterday and is now in need of new knees.  Our carpet will be installed on Friday and then after that it is just finish work (pictures to come soon).  Woo hoo!
We enjoyed a visit from Grandma and Lauren and Wesley over Valentines Day.  The kids had a fun party while Elise, Lauren, Wesley and I went to some fun stores.  It was a good time!
We are now counting down to the arrival of the baby.  I'm about ready to go into hibernation.  Lately, most of the people I've had conversations are telling me of all of their babies that were two weeks past due.  I hope it isn't a sign as to things to come.  I think I would honestly lose my sanity and so would my family.
The weather is finally warming up and most of our snow is gone.  It is icky, soggy and mushy outside but it is making the kids and I excited for spring and sunshine.  We hope you are all doing well and we can't wait see you!

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