Sunday, November 27, 2016

Hyde Park Homefront

Happy Thanksgiving to all!  We had a lovely time with the family who were able to make it here this year.  Ruth's family arrived Wed. night, with Mannings and Thomas and Victoria joining us on Thursday.  We had a first time ever experience of having the turkey done before we were actually ready!  It was a hearty feast with many blessings to reflect on.  Ruth and Emma and I ventured out to do some shopping early on Friday, but only made it to one store.  That was plenty!

Emma is enjoying her job and is starting another trimester tomorrow.  We hope it will be a bit easier this trimester so she can finish up her American School classes quickly.  She's looking around for options of things to do during the summer and is sending in college applications already.  Who can believe that she is doing these adult things???!!!  Time has gone way too fast for my liking...

I attended two deliveries last week, including a set of twins, and have another ready any day now.  Altogether there are four moms who are due before the end of the year.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that we will be able to do all of our family things without babies interrupting things, but we'll see what happens.

Thomas seems to be recovering quite well.  Alex has been down here doing business a couple of times and has dropped in to visit. That's been great!  We feel like our family isn't so far away when that happens.  Ruth and Lauren have kindly been helping Emma prepare an audition to be a YPM in Nauvoo.  She's younger and doesn't have as much experience as most other applicants, she thinks, but you never know until you try.  She would love to go to Nauvoo!  If that's where the Lord wants her to be, it will all work out.

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