Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Autumn in Hyde Park

Well, it's awfully quiet around here! Emma has been gone since Friday. Chester was gone until Monday morning. What a lonely weekend... Well, just Sunday. Dad and I took off in a rush for St. George on Friday after a very cooperative baby came just in time. We stopped at the birth center in Ogden long enough to take care of things there, then took off for the big band competition down south.

The band did a remarkable job and played and marched their hearts out!! They were incredible, competing with bands twice their size with the same energy and sound. They took 3rd in the state and 4th out of 24 bands at Bands of America competition. Emma had three solos that were just amazing! They didn't do as well as they had hoped, after taking 2nd place the last two years, but they really did well. I think the disappointment disappeared as soon as they were on their way to Disneyland! They have spent the last two days there having a grand old time! Becca and Darin drove down to watch the parade at Disneyland that the band played in. They spent time on some rides and having lunch together with Emma, which delighted her greatly.

We got home late Saturday night and had meetings all day on Sunday. It was a wonderful opportunity to have dinner with and listen to Elder Uceda speak to the YSA in the Spectrum. What a humble man with amazing stories of sacrifice and dedication. We thoroughly enjoyed our time with him.

I picked Chester up at the vet on Monday morning and he was sick. I guess he felt bullied at the kennel and ended up with intestinal issues, at least that's what the vet said. It could be the shots they gave him. He's had a few accidents since we got him home and had to be taken out to the bathroom several times in the night last night. We hope he feels safe and loved soon so we can get some sleep!

I'm excited for Emma to return tomorrow, though I know she's not going to be very thrilled to be home. She'll come back to a boat load of homework and stress, but hopefully will get through it by reflecting on the wonderful experiences she's had recently.

We are also excited for the Harts to move into their new home soon! We can't wait to go up and help them get things put away and organized.

Today was a great success for me when I tended Wesley while his mother taught piano lessons. We went for a walk and he didn't much like the stroller, so I carried him home and sang to him and he settled down and enjoyed the walk. We sat on the porch and played and talked, but when it got cold enough that I thought I should take him in, he heard his mom talking and decided he'd had enough of me. But by then the lessons were over! We are making headway - hooray!!!

Thomas is going to have surgery sooner than later. He is scheduled for November 17th. We hope he is well enough to enjoy Thanksgiving the next week...

Lastly, but not leastly, very happy birthday wishes to Jenn!  I know you're working on your house tonight, but hope you've had a great birthday!!

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