Sunday, November 27, 2016

Nilsson News

We had a wonderful week!  Garrett was able to take the entire week off and it was a lot of fun having him home.  We drove down to Layton last Sunday to do some birthday celebrating for our boys.  We saw a few friends a family while we were down but it was mostly a trip focused on just being together.  Elise met us in Layton and she and I went down to IKEA to do a "little" shopping.  4 1/2 hours later we were heading back home.  I don't think there is such a thing as a quick trip to that store.  We had a good time.  While the moms were gone, the dads and then kids had a fun night together playing, watching Studio C and Tricked.  It is hard to get enough of those Harts!
Garrett started work on the basement.  He has decided that he likes to do each thing at least twice.  cut each 2x4 twice, nail the framing together and pull it apart at least twice.  It is a good way to ensure that everything is done correctly although it isn't a very good time saver.  He was able to get several walls put up and all the insulation installed.  We are really close to needing an electrician (Scott where are you?!!).
We had a great Thanksgiving celebration with the Hyde Parkers, T and Victoria and the Mannings.  It was a small gathering but was full of laughs and good conversation.  We had some good pie that was made with a "Buttery, crispy, FLAKEY crust" (ask the Mannings to explain it).  Good times!  Mom, Emma and I went Black Friday shopping and had a good time.  I'm glad that I never tire of hanging out with my awesome family members.
We ended the week by going Christmas tree hunting with some friends from the ward.  It wasn't quite like our experience growing up since we had a lot of bush whacking to do, but it ended up successful.  Hope the rest of you enjoyed your holiday and are looking forward to the next one that is just around the corner!

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