Sunday, November 6, 2016

Flake Fun

6 November 2016 - First off, thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes.  It was a wonderful day.   The past couple of weeks have been busy.  Scott's boss changed jobs so things are kind of in chaos in his department but hopefully soon there will be a new, permanent boss.  I have been assisting with drive thru flu shot clinics which are pretty popular in the communities that we take them to.  But enough about jobs...

The weather has finally decided to feel like fall.  We built our first fire this week which was fun.  Luckily we had put a stack of firewood on our back porch because it rained for a couple of days straight and the rest of the wood pile is soaked! 

The house is coming along.  We started tile yesterday and didn't get a whole lot done but it feels like it is the beginning of the end!  I spent Friday doing some painting and once I got back from the shot clinic on Saturday we did the tile.  It was an exhausting feat but it is going to look really nice when it is said and done.  We made an appointment to have the carpet installed the week of Thanksgiving so now we have a deadline and a list of things that have to be done before the carpet guys come! 

Congrats to the Harts for getting into their house!  It looks like you guys have been really busy doing fun stuff...and moving!  I don't know how fun the actual act of moving is but it always is nice to have family around to give a sense of organization when everything is in chaos! 

Today we had an interesting relief society lesson that struck home to me.  It was on what one sister called "Mormon Motherhood Martyrdom"; the idea that we as women will NEVER measure up.  It was a good reminder for me that I don't have to be everything, in fact, I can't be. 

Have you guys gotten the big emergency preparedness push in your wards?  It is hitting pretty hard down here it seems and it is quite interesting.

Can't wait to see all of you next month!!!

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