Sunday, November 20, 2016

Flake Fun

20 Nov 2016 - It has been quite a week here in Snowflake.  Work was fairly typical. 

The carpet is scheduled to go in tomorrow so we had a lot to do this past week.  At the end of the week we got all of the upstairs tile in and grouted much to the aching of our backs, knees and hands.  But now, with a little clean up in the morning, we are ready for the carpet guys to come.  There is still a lot to do but at least the house is looking a bit more put together!  The weather has decided to get cold at night but the days are still fairly pleasant. 

Our entire bishopric was put into stake callings so all three men are doing double duty until a new bishopric is called. 

We are looking forward to a small Thanksgiving meal with Randy, Dona and Nathan's family.  Hope everyone else has some fun Thanksgiving plans.

That is about it for us.  Hope everyone is well.  Glad to hear from Victoria that Thomas is recuperating in fine fashion.  Have a great week!  We're grateful for all of you guys!

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