Sunday, November 13, 2016

....And Sorta Loving It

Well folks, thanks for all growing up without me.  Senior year is fun but what a pain.  Goodness I'm glad you all survived so I know I will.  Applying isn't really hard... but senioritus is a real thing and I lack all motivation to do anything.  Anyway, it really isn't so bad, I just wish I didn't have to do it.  This week I'll get my second medallion which is pretty cool and I'm excited.  This last week we babysat Ian Jack and Peter which was great, but I now voice a warning.  Some kids are much more self-reliant than others, so I may have forgotten that Jack and Peter were in the tub when I was babysitting on Saturday.  After about an hour they were both out, dry and dressed, all by themselves! It was amazing! Then I went in the bathroom to empty the tub and then I began to wonder what in the world they'd washed themselves with.... needless to say we're without dog shampoo now.  Ian and I had a good laugh about that. Well, we know they won't have ticks or fleas anymore.
      I went over to Thomas's house earlier this week and it is confirmed that they have the cutest dog living in their house.  At least I think it's a dog... his name is Rudy and is about as big as T's iphone.  It's a little disconcerting to see him walk around because he reminds me of those little orange and black striped caterpillar that will get squished.  But he's real cute!
      Band is over which is AWESOME! I'll miss it but it's fine.  We took fourth at BOA which was dumb but that's what we deserved so it's whatever.  Disneyland was so fun! being there with 138 of your best friends is the greatest.  I've forgotten how much I like crazy rides, and when I'm in charge of the next family gathering, well, just get ready to go broke.  Just a cool story from my trip: we went to church in St. George the day after our competition before we headed to Disneyland.  We warned the ward that we went to that we were coming (there were over 100 of us there) so they made room.  We filled the entire overflow and some seats in front of that.  It was pretty cool to see pretty much our whole band file into church.  Not a lot of things are like that.  Anyway, this ward was so tiny anyway, and they were really short on youth.  So Bishop Pederson asked their bishop if he'd like any help blessing and passing the sacrament as they had no priests, teachers, and only four deacons.  The bishop was so grateful and said he'd love to have help.  Well, when Bishop asked the block of white shirts sitting in the back if they'd be willing, he had to turn down most of them because they didn't need that many.  It was a super cool experience to see all my good friends ready and worthy to pass the sacrament at a moments notices.  I'm pretty lucky to be surrounded by these people just so you know ;) Sorry it's long but I just miss y'all and hope all's well :)


  1. So great to have good friends. Sounds like a fun trip! I want more details! Thanks for sort of taking care of my kids. Kidding!

  2. We should have warned you about senior - itis. Glad you have good friends. Still waiting to hear which fun summer experience you have chosen!
