Monday, November 7, 2016

Manning Musings

It is good to finally get a chance to post on the blog!  I enjoy reading your posts every week and it is good to keep up with all the changes going on in each family.
Things are pretty much the same here each week. Nick is busy with seminary teaching, guitar teaching and gigging. I play with Wesley and life is good.
The seminary teaching is going better than at the beginning of school. Wesley and I went up last week to participate in the lesson and to meet students which was very fun! It is a rigorous adventure but we are learning a lot of things about each other and ourselves!
Wesley is at a very fun stage. Most people don't know this because he gets pretty serious around other people but he is a chatter box and can be quite loud at times. He is starting to eat solids and roll over and scoot. He has very strong preferences and likes to do things for himself. Sleeping is not one of his preferences.
Yesterday we met with the bishop for tithing settlement and talked for awhile about the youth in our ward. Nick and I teach the youth sunday school for ages 14-18. We learned some pretty sad things about the youth in our Stake. There are about 8 missionaries out from our Stake and there should be a lot more than that. Many of the kids in our ward have parents in jail or really difficult family situations. The bishop said it just seems that parents are checking out of parenting responsibilities and don't care what their kids do. Sad stuff. So thank you for being good people who are invested in good things!
Congrats to the Harts for their new home! Good luck to the Flakes on their house work! We can't wait to see you next month!

P.S. So I am thinking what I should make for dinner which is a question I ask myself multiple times a week. What would you all think of doing something with recipes or meal planning on the blog? Just if you want, people might put a really great meal down that they had and if people want the recipe they can ask. Thoughts?


  1. I can't believe that he is growing up so fast! Can't wait to see all of you next month!

  2. I love the idea of a recipe/menu exchange! It would be so helpful. I'll post some things shortly. Wondering if there is an easier place to pass the information. The blog isn't always the easiest thing to access.
