Sunday, October 30, 2016

Nilsson News

Okay, so I wrote this lovely long post on my phone with pictures and everything and then when I tried to publish it, everything failed.  So, this is going to be a slightly less detailed version of my previously attempted post.
We have really been enjoying this fallish time of year.  We've gone to the pumpkin patch to pick pumpkins, carved said pumpkins, played in the leaves since we actually have leaves to play in for the first time ever!  Soup is part of our menu each week which I thoroughly enjoy, but some of the kids not so much.  It's a great time of year!
This past Monday, we went with the Harts on a little field trip to watch a falconer work with his bird.  She is still in training but we got to watch her swoop and catch her lunch.  Then we got to watch as she devoured it.  I don't know whether it was this last part that maybe made Addy a little woozy, but as we were walking back to the car, she collapsed, passed out.  I wish I could say I remained calm and collected but no, I pretty much freaked out.  Alex ran over and Addy came to but was still a bit delirious.  Alex carried her to the car and we gave her some food and water.  It took her awhile to get back to normal and she still doesn't recall what happened.  Crazy.
Yesterday, we went to a neighborhood Halloween party.  I ended up running into an old LD's friend that I haven't seen for ten years.  She didn't recognize me at all with my hair cut and once she realized who I was, asked where all my hair was.  It was fun visiting and catching up.
Our goal for this week is to begin work on finishing our basement.  We got all our stuff cleared out of it, measured the walls and made a supplies list.  We opted not to go forward with the outrageous $45,000 quote that a contractor gave us.  We may not be able to do it quite as timely as someone who knows what they are doing but we know we can do it for a fraction of the price.  If anyone is looking for something to do, feel free to come and join in on the fun!
Happy Fall!

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