Sunday, July 24, 2016

Flake Fun

24 July 2016 - We are on the same page with the Nilsson's when it comes to remodels and real work!  This was a very productive weekend for us.  We finished the stairs, drilled the holes needed for plumbing, scrapped down the kitchen and living room floors (we're now ready for self leveler-ing) ripped out the carpet in the hall and bedrooms, hauled 0.7 tons (literally) of trash to the dump and purchased the backer board for the floor in the mudroom.  We were too tired to take pictures (and the camera was at the Farr house) so we hope to have pictures next week!

Our garden is doing well.  We have gotten 5 fairly large zucchini's which is just perfect.  We have had a couple to share and not an overabundance for ourselves.  Our garlic was also harvested, although we didn't have a 50 foot row!  (Ruth, you should have your kids set up a garlic stand like the Hart's set up a rhubarb stand!)   Our corn looks like it might be prime for picking in the next little bit and Scott got 2 green beans this morning! 

A cute little liquidation shop opened in Taylor a couple of months ago and we dropped by on Saturday.  There is a shed dubbed the Man Cave with all of the tools and then a little log cabin with all of the domestic wares.  Quite good prices on good quality stuff.  (if anyone is in need of a certain tool or supply before the gathering, let us know and we'll keep our eyes open!)

That's about all that we have to report for this week.  Work was normal.  Oh, Mom...there are 21 acres for sale in Shumway...just sayin'....

1 comment:

  1. Hey, see if you can find out how much they are asking for that 21 acres! I love that little berg! Maybe we can start a colony of Bellistons there....
