Sunday, July 3, 2016

Springville Belliston Stuff

This past week was a lot of fun for the Belliston clan.  We took the week and went up to Bear Lake and got to stop at Grandma Chester's for a couple nights as well.  We got acquainted with Donald the duck and the kids loved gathering eggs.  We went swimming every day and took a hike up to Bloomington Lake.  The kids loved hiking and want to do a lot more of it.  I think we will bring the baby back packs next time.  
We stopped by Hyde Park on the way home and picked up a fun birthday present for the twins.  I heard there was a lot of sacrifice that went into getting it there so we are really appreciative!  They have played with it every day and it has kept the neighborhood kids very entertained as well. We also saw a moose on the side of the road on our way!

Lori has started a new hobby!  She decided she wanted to learn Chinese, so she picked up some CD's at the library and has been diligently going through them every day.  It's been really good for me to brush up on my Chinese as well.  All the kids are picking up on it including the twins which is really fun.   She wants to do Cantonese for a year and then start on Mandarin.                                                                                                                                                         
Grace helped Lori with another song she sang for the youtube channel.  You can hear that here.           
Not a lot of new news here.  We are just enjoying the summer and spending more time together.           Everybody is loving taking care of the garden and Lori has been thrilled that she has been able to use her compost that has been rotting next to our house the past few months.                                            
 We saw Lauren and baby Wesley while we were in Hyde Park, and she mentioned that they will be    moving to Idaho in the near future.  It makes me wonder...                                                                     

1 comment:

  1. What fun adventures! Can't believe how big the kids are getting.
