Sunday, July 17, 2016

Flake Fun

17 July 2016 - This week....Nothing really stands out so it must have been a fairly normal week for us.  The weather is still hot...  The garden is still growing...  We still go to work every day...

We did find a HUGE zucchini in our garden and we are trying to decide what to do with it!  It was one of those that suddenly appears over night.  I still haven't quite figured out how there can be nothing there one day and a huge vegetable the next!  There are quite a few small one that should be ready soon. 

We spent the weekend at the house...shocker, I know.  But we have some pictures so show for it! 

This is our new hammer drill.  It has helped a lot with demo projects but it weighs quite a bit and is exhausting to use!

There is still more plumbing to do but it is started! 

There are 3 more stairs at the top that need to be finished but we need a little more wood before we can finish them. 

It doesn't look like much progress but we are happy that things are getting done.  We only have a couple more BIG projects and then we can start on the little ones. Hopefully it will be done and rented by the time we head up for the family gathering! 

Funny Primary Story:  We were talking about the temples built by the pioneers and I mentioned that the Kirtland temple was burned.  I asked why the kids thought that was.  A very profound 5 year old raised his hand. When I called on him he replied, "Because there was a fire." 

1 comment:

  1. "Kids say the darndest things!" That was a show that Art Linkletter moderated years ago and was a delight. He should have just attended Primary a time or two! Great work on the stairs and laundry room, you guys :)
