Sunday, July 24, 2016

Hart Happenings

So, I'm sure it's the same for everyone, but this summer is going by in a blur! We've had birthdays, surprise visits from family, made some new friends, and worked like crazy! The weather has been very hot and summery. Here are some pics to chronicle our activities during our recent blog absence. 
At Yellowstone for my birthday. 

At the zoo. 

The monarch butterfly we found as a caterpillar on a hike and brought home a watched hatch!

At scout day camp. 

At a friend's birthday. 

Peter's broken pinkie. Doesn't seem to bother him too much. 

Collecting seeds at garden class. 

It's been a great summer so far! We've made some great plans for the Family Gathering and will start sending out official information soon!  It'll be excellent!

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