Sunday, July 24, 2016

Nilsson News

Happy Pioneer Day! First, I have to rave about the incredible Tabernacle Choir Pioneer Concert that we watched last night.  Their concerts are always worth watching, but this one they took up a few notches.  It was phenomenal!!!!  If you haven't watched it yet, you must do so!
Projects have been going on at the Nilsson farmstead.  Yesterday, Garrett decided to clean up the wood shed and transform it into the tool shed.  For those of you who haven't seen this wood shed, let me paint a picture.  It is S.C.A.R.Y!!!  I don't feel like I'm scared of very many things, but this place would definitely make the list.  Spiderwebs hung everywhere, sticks, straw and all sorts of debris were trapped in every nook and cranny, along with some not so fortunate birds.  I told Garrett he should take a "before" picture of this project but he said he would rather choose not to remember what it looked like.  After working at it for about 14 hours, Garrett has given it a major transformation!
Earlier this week, the kids helped me to harvest our 50 foot row of garlic.  The majority of the heads were the size of my fist!  So, if you are in need of any garlic please let us be your supplier.  It would be great to save and plant in the fall as well.  Another project was giving our garage door a facelift and ripping out all the junipers and burning bush that was in our front bed.  We are doing a lot of demo work and our neighbor asked me yesterday if we were planning on replacing anything.  We will get there, but demo work is free and replacement usually isn't.
Addy and Emerson enjoyed a week of tending the neighbor's horse, cat and yard.  It is always fun and exciting when it isn't your own to take care of.  Eliza has found several little people her age to play with and she is looking forward to having her hair cut.  Henry is rarely seen around here without some kind of tool in hand.  Shovel, hoe, hammer, or rake, he loves them all and knows how to use them.  He is starting to say a lot of words these days which is hard to believe.
Life is going well.  Today in gospel principles we were talking about the value of work and making sure to teach it to our children.  Garrett said that since we have moved here, he is finally learning how to work - really work.  So, if you think that the family gathering is going to be a nice vacation, think again!  You will be coming to the Nilsson home so be prepared to do some work!

1 comment:

  1. Kudos to Garrett for doing such a scary, yucky job! But how satisfying to have it done and have a useful place for your outside tools! We'd love to see some photos of your latest efforts.... :)
