Sunday, July 31, 2016

Flake Fun

31 July 2016 - Where has the summer gone?  School is starting here in 2 weeks and it is hard to believe!  But it has been a good summer and I'm ready for things to cool down a little bit. 

This week went by quickly.  I spent 3 days in Phoenix at an infectious disease conference which had some interesting parts to it.  The opening speaker was from the CDC and talked about a recent Salmonella outbreak that she had investigated.  It came from bearded dragons!  So, for any of you that are contemplating getting a bearded dragon or other lizard/reptile creature, let's chat before you do!  I might not sway your decision but I can give you some safety tips to think about!  (The CDC -Centers for Disease Control- doesn't recommend that families with children under 5 have those types of animals in the house!)

Our garden is doing really well.  I came home to find a 5 pound zucchini on the counter!  We have given quite a few zucchini's away which has been fun.  Last night we had fresh garden corn on the cob and tonight we are having dutch oven veggies with garden potatoes and broccoli!  Yum!!!

The house is coming along...

Hope you all have a wonderful week!  Can't wait to see you all in a few weeks!

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