Sunday, July 17, 2016

Manning Musings

Well I have the prize for worst blogger ever! I think about it every week and every week I fail to write on the blog. But I have enjoyed reading everybody's posts.
So nothing to report that you don't already know. We had a baby, Nick graduated and will be student teaching in Preston this school year.
Wesley is the cutest baby on the planet! He has some very funny things he is particular about. One of them is that he prefers it when people walk with him and if you sit down he will start to move his body and then kick just like he would try to get a horse moving. Very cute but tiring sometimes!
We are on the lookout for homes. Not to buy and rent out to other people like many of you are doing, but one for ourselves to rent. No luck yet.
Funny story of the week: Nick has told some of you about his ability to mix his words up which he does on a weekly basis. Last week he told me that it takes a lot of "uppy bodder" strength to hold Wesley. He makes me laugh! 
Looking forward to the family gathering!

1 comment:

  1. It's a good thing we don't give prizes for worst or best, just for effort! It's nice to have you on now and then :)
