Sunday, July 3, 2016

Flake Fun

3 July 2016 - Happy Independence Day everyone!  Hope you all had/have a great celebration day/weekend!   We can't believe that it is already July! 

This week was a long one with abnormal things going on at work but we have recovered from all of that and are enjoying the weekend.  Yesterday we worked quite a bit on our Lovelake house.  It doesn't look like it is coming together but hopefully that will change after we spend more time there tomorrow.  Our goal is to make some good progress on the basement stairs.  But before we can do that we have to build a wall to enclose the stairs.  But before we do that we have to set some anchors in the concrete and run some wires for a switch at the bottom of the stairs.  I am discovering (again) how remodels are never quite as simple as "replace the basement stairs."

It rained quite steadily this weekend which was nice.  It cooled things down quite a bit and made our garden and flowers happy.

Funny primary story of the day:

Noah is a sunbeam who sometimes has a hard time coming to primary (just for the first few minutes) so I bent down to say hi and welcome the little visitor next to him.  The following conversation was the result:

Noah: I was crying in my bed.
Me:  Oh?  Why were you crying?
Noah: Because my Mom didn't let me have everything that I wanted.

There was no resentment or frustration.  Just a simple statement of fact.  Kids crack me up! 

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