Sunday, July 10, 2016

Flake Fun

10 July 2016 - It has been an exhausting but productive weekend.  We spent most of the last 2 days at the Lovelake house and things appear to be progressing; not as fast as we would like, but progressing nonetheless. We have started construction on the staircase in the basement, running a waterline in the kitchen for the fridge, and scraping glue off of the floor from the linoleum tiles.  We were planning to upload some pictures today but we left the camera at the house! 

The town softball tournament has begun and Scott played a game on Thursday.  Despite having only 9 players, we won!  They were all pretty tired by the end of the game though.  Hopefully we can get more people to come to the next game!

The weather has been really hot with no rain which is strange for July.   Hopefully we'll see some rain this week to cool things down. 

Our garden is doing really well.  The corn is starting to tassel and we have some zucchinis that have started to grow. The garlic is almost ready to harvest and the potatoes and tomatoes are getting big.

We were sorry to miss the Manning's baby blessing but hope that all went well there.  Hope to see some pictures soon!  Hope you all have a great week!

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