Sunday, May 1, 2016

Flake Fun

1 May 2016 - Happy May Day everyone!  I can't believe it is already May but we had a terrific April shower last night to usher it in! 

This week has been exhausting. I don't think I recovered fully from Dallas before I had to head down to Phoenix for a mandatory meeting.  But I think all business travel is over for a while.  Only vacation travel in the near future!

Both Scott and I had Friday off so we made a few minor repairs on the Sunset house (which is now rented) and then put in some garden.  We planted/transplanted some broccoli, spinach, leeks, beans and corn.  The starts in the greenhouse are doing really well and we should be able to get some of them out to the garden in the next couple of weeks. 

Yesterday we spent most of our day at the Lovelake house.  We got the mudroom floor pulled up and a wall in the laundry room pulled down.

There were 4 layers of flooring! 

Congratulations to the Manning family on their new addition.  Congrats to the Nilsson's on their new home.  Can't wait to see pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Jenn! You guys are amazing! What big undertakings you undertake! It's going to look great when it's all done... Which looks like may not be long, the way you guys go at things with such gusto :)
