Sunday, May 8, 2016

Hyde Park Happiness

So much can happen in a couple of short weeks...  A new house for Nilssons, a new baby for Mannings, a choir concert for Ian, a couple of band concerts/festivals for Emma, graduation for Nick, and some of the same old, same old (which is good, too!).

Emma and I enjoyed seeing Ruth and Garrett's new house and land and attending Ian's concert while Dad helped Lauren. Emma was really glad to have a band festival that took her out of town on the day Nick graduated. Those meetings are not her favorites.

We have thoroughly enjoyed getting acquainted with sweet little Wesley James Manning. He's had some struggles and Lauren's had some struggles, but things seem to be improving and there is hope of great things to come! This baby is a mellow, sweet, calm little guy. I sense a great soul residing in that little body. He is precious and has some very dedicated, loving parents. What a great blessing to come to Lauren and Nick!

Enough of words.... Let's get to the photos! Is there a limit to how many we can post? I guess we'll find out :)
 Wesley with his birthday cake made by Aunt Emma.  He's not very enthused about it!

 On his "light bed" - he doesn't seem to mind much having to lay on the bili lights.

Such a sweet face! Such a sweet boy! I think he looks like his daddy. And he wasn't "itsy, bitsy" like Joe thought he'd be! He was bigger than all of Joe's and Lori's babies except for Grant, who was only a few ounces heavier than Wesley!

Happy mom and baby. He doesn't even look very yellow in these photos!

 You'd think he was glad to be finished with school!

With Craig Jessop, Dean of the College of Fine Arts. They are good friends! Brother Jessop really, really likes Nick.

Yes, that's a little guitar in Nick's tassle. It says "Rock Star"...


  1. Very cute pictures! Thanks for posting them.

  2. So fun to see documentation of the big events! Congrats to those two. Lots of excitement in their lives.
