Sunday, May 8, 2016

Springville News

Hello!  That's Jake's favorite word these days.  He will come around a corner or jump out from behind the bed and instead of shouting "boo," he shouts "Hello!!"  It actually sounds more like "hewoe."

Well there's not much new going on around here.  My little victory this week was when Lori asked Joy who loved her and she said "Daddy.  Daddy Wuvz me."  Lori has planted lots of flowers and stuff and we are hoping to get our garden in this week.  Lori planted asparagus last week which everyone was really excited about, until she told us that we wouldn't be able to harvest for about 3 years.  Not a great ROI if you ask me.  Lori also bought a compost bin which hasn't arrived yet, but that hasn't stopped her from keeping all the smelly leftovers.  I've never seen someone so excited about garbage. It reminds a little bit of growing up in our house.

The kids had a great time celebrating mothers day.  They bought Lori 3 chocolate strawberries, a chocolate cake, and mint chocolate ice cream with cones.  I'm not sure if Lori got any but it's the thought that counts.  Grant filled out a little mom sheet at pre school that was enlightening.  We attached it as well as Grace's from last year so you can all get to know Lori a little better.

Lori shared a talk by Elder Bednar with me last week that has really changed me.  Here's a link to it which I would highly recommend listening to.  It's called the Character of Christ and talks about charity.  It's about 30 minutes long.

After spending two nights sleeping on the floor this week, we are really excited about the new king size mattress that we ordered last week.  The Harts have been trying to get us to buy one for the last 7 years now and we finally listened.  We will let you know how it goes.  At least if we get kicked out of that one, we will have another bed to go to.

Happy Mothers day to you all!


1 comment:

  1. How delightful to "see" you guys back on the blog! I learned a lot about Lori - and your kiddos! My new ambition is to be as special as a "juggernaut" and a "stuffed Olaf!"
