Sunday, May 22, 2016


"Self" is a common word around our house these days.  Joy is especially fond of it.  She has to do everything herself from getting dressed, to taking off her diaper, to preparing her own meals.  Sometimes it's a blessing but other times...
Grace had her last day of school on Friday and she was not too happy about it.  She made a list of things she could do with her time and a lot of them include continuing to learn the things she was learning at school.  During her prayer tonight she asked for help coming up with things to do while dad was at work and mom was still sleeping.  I think she will find plenty to do.  The last couple days walking to school we ran into a little family of ducks that we got attached to.  The mom looked just as comfortable as ever taking care of her 14 little ones.  I'm sure I could learn something from her.

Grant had a good time with Grandma and Grandpa Chester when they came down, and we are enjoying our new bed!  The best part is that when we have to get up and sleep somewhere else, it can be our old bed instead of the floor.

Thomas and Victoria came and visited us today which was super fun!  The kids had a great time playing with them and showing off all of their talents.  Jake wanted to show them his flip and landed on his head.  I beat Thomas in an arm wrestle, but there were not witnesses, and Thomas beat us all in a long card game.

I got as close as I ever will to playing in the NBA a couple weeks ago.  Sometimes I play ball during lunch at BYU with members of the athletic department.  Well this particular day Jabari Parker happened to join us.  He was super nice and fun to play with.

Lori is really enjoying digging in the dirt and making our yard beautiful.  She had been nurturing 2 big weeds in our garden that we are convinced is the cure for the common cold.  We will let you know how that goes.


  1. It appears that the momma duck might want to adopt Grace as one of her own! I hope Gracie likes swimming in cold water :)
    Lori has truly done amazing things in your yard! It is beautiful - even the weeds! And I'd sure become an NBA fan if you played for them....

  2. Alex would love more details of the Jabari Parker game. Sounds like fun at your house. Like always!
