Sunday, May 22, 2016

Hyde Park Happiness

If you haven't been to Cache Valley lately, you really should come. It is so absolutely gorgeous from all of the rain! The whole valley and the mountain sides are an almost florescent green color, with flowers of every kind blossoming. Birds are singing and splashing in puddles. There have been rainbows galore and the air smells so fragrant. It is thoroughly refreshing just to step outside!

Good times with family in this neck of the woods...  We have had a delightful couple of weeks hanging out with Lauren and baby Wesley.  Whenever Nick is gone teaching, we use it as an excuse to drop by and hold the baby so Lauren can get a little nap. They have come to our house a time or two as well, which is very fun!  I was tickled to learn that Wesley had grown 2 inches and 2 pounds since his last doctor visit! He's getting a little chubby face! This little guy is such a sweetie, even though he has his days and nights a bit backward. He thinks that playtime is in the middle of the night, then it's nearly impossible to awaken him during the day... Anyone else remember those days??  We are very grateful they live close by and we are able to have frequent contact.  Nick is waiting to hear, and should know this week, where he will be assigned to do his student teaching for seminary. They are kind of hoping to be assigned to Preston. Then we'd have three children living in Idaho! What's that all about?

Addy's dance recital was also delightful! She is a very graceful girl and a fine dancer. It was nice that the family could travel back to Utah so she could participate one last time with her little dance class. Grandpa and I were very impressed with all of the dancers.

During the dance recital, Emma was in Cache Valley having fun being in the Black and White Days parade. She was especially grateful that it happened between rainstorms. The umbrellas had been forgotten, so it was a blessing that the rain stopped just in time for the parade.

Thomas invited us to a birthday celebration for Victoria at her parents' home. Emma and I attended and had a great time! She's a whoppin' 22 years old! She opened gifts and we sang and had some delicious "tres leches" birthday cake. We had to leave before they played games, which was a blessing for them or they would have been soundly beaten at Wacky Six by Emma!

Dad and I made a run for it when the rain stopped for a few hours on Friday - we took Joe and Lori's new king size mattress down to them and got to play and visit with the darling Belliston kiddos for a couple of hours. Grant didn't even hold it against us when he got his hand slammed in the truck
door :(  He cried until it wasn't hurting as much, then forgot all about it! Amazing!

We have been taking every opportunity, when the rain stops, to dig in the garden. Dad and Emma got the potatoes planted, along with some carrots. I hope to plant some lettuce, spinach, radishes, broccoli and other cooler crops this week. Maybe next weekend we'll get the beans, corn and vines planted. Seems like it's always June before we are finished planting our garden...

Dad's been re-reading Nibley's book about building Zion and we've been having very inspiring discussions about how to accomplish that! It's definitely worth pondering.

Speaking of Zion, I do hope you're all planning on attending our Family Gathering ("gather to Zion") on Labor Day weekend this year. It will be held in Idaho, the Hart family in charge. It will be the best of good times and we hope you'll all be able to make it! Stay tuned for more details to come :)

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