Monday, May 16, 2016

Flake Fun

Sounds like gardens were all the rage this last week!  Our beans and corn have popped up and our potatoes seem to be doing well.  Our tomatoes are set to be transplanted this week.  The rest of the garden will have to wait until we get back!

We have been hard at work on our rental.  The plumbing has been started, we are making progress on the electrical and the living room floor is almost all removed. Here are some before and after shots for you.


This is where we will be starting the plumbing project...
Other than remodeling, we are just getting ready for our trip.  This will be our last post for a couple of weeks but we'll be back with fun pictures! 
Love you all!  Hope the sun comes out for you soon, but don't forget to enjoy dancing in the rain.


  1. Whoa! Where do you start with all of those wires?! Good thing Scott's an electrician! I hope he's a good plumber, too! It's going to look so nice when you get all finished, Jenn :)

  2. Nice progress! Have fun in Peru!
