Sunday, May 8, 2016

Hart Happenings

We have enjoyed some lovely sweet-smelling rain this weekend and I have concluded that there are very few things, okay, scratch that, nothing smells as good as rain scented lilacs and Mayday trees. I got a celestial whiff of that this morning as I was walking down our streets that are at their very best in the spring and fall. Amazing!
It was quite the week at the Hart house. One highlight was Ian's concert. It was so fun to have Ruth's family here in town to join us that night and Mom and Emma drove the distance to be here which meant the world to Ian. We also had the missionaries from our ward show up and Alex's parents and grandma were there and our really good friends, the Heaths. We felt very loved and supported. 

Wednesday we bought another sleeper house. It is so cute! I'm so excited for you guys to stay in it for the family gathering. Now Jenn and Scott just have to talk us through some updates. 
Jack and Ian started their gardening class on Thursday. It looks like it is going to be a fun crew. Lots to do and learn!
The missionaries came over for dinner on Friday evening which was fun. Our boys love these elders. 

Saturday Ruth and I spent the morning at the greenhouse and Farmer's Market, where Ruthie met a goat lady and they bonded. I think there might be adorable baby goats in the Nilsson's near future.The Warriors played that night and we had friends over for poutine and pina coladas then they stayed to watch the basketball game and Garrett joined us. 
We had a nice Mother's Day today. The boys spoiled me and got me this retro lamp I've been eyeing at the Habitat for Humanity Restore and we enjoyed a nice dinner with Alex's family. 
Well, there you go, a play by play of our week. It was a good one. 
Happy Mother's Day to all you ladies! I don't know better moms and aunties in the whole world!

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