Sunday, May 15, 2016

Hart Happenings

This week passed in a blur and I'm trying to remember anything noteworthy. We got in a couple of good days of cousin time. I have had a blast helping Ruth get her living room revamped, and I must say, it looks great. Hopefully she will post some pictures!
The kids and I went with some homeschooling friends to a little lake in Blackfoot. It was so fun! I got to relax with my friends while the kids played in the sand and water.  Peter and Ineven went on the huge slip 'n slide together. 
Saturday we attended the baptism of a good family friend which was a good chance to reconnect with them. 
We had a lovely rainstorm last night and into the morning. Everything is sparkly green and lovely!
Garden update: raspberries, carrots, peas, kale, lettuce, garlic, ochre, amaranth, and chard are going strong, along with the bindweed, dandelions, and lamb's quarter! The lilacs are in full bloom, accompanied by our irises that are mind-blowingly fragrant! The boys are giddy that the cilantro has finally popped up. So fun! What a great time of year! I was so impressed and inspired by the tale of Lori's productivity. We'll have to get down to Springville soon to get a visual of their Garden of Eden in the making!
Love y'all!


  1. You guys always have fun things going on. Thanks for sharing and for posting pictures.

  2. You guys always have fun things going on. Thanks for sharing and for posting pictures.
