Sunday, September 13, 2015

Hart Happenings

Can I just say that I LOVE fall?! There is something about the onset of a new season that is invigorating and rejuvenating. And fall just happens to be my favorite. We've been up to our chins in harvest festivals, late night footballs games projected on the side of house, neighborhood block parties, canning, and starting school. It's been so great!

We celebrated Jack's birthday on Friday which was delightful. I think that everyone needs a 7 year-old boy around. They are good for the soul. Thanks to everyone for the birthday calls and wishes. I think he felt like a million bucks. A special thanks to Mom and Dad for coming all the way up here to spend a few hours celebrating with us. We all melted in the heat playing miniature golf per Jack's request but had a lot of fun. Mom schooled us all. It was so great to have them here!

Hope everyone enjoyed their Labor Day weekend. We spent it in Yellowstone (we thought of the Mannings the whole day we were there) and had a really great time hiking around and enjoying one of the most beautiful places on earth. 

Lastly, Happy Birthday to Mom! So glad she's the Mom of this clan and holds us all together. Her efforts matter more and more each year! Love you love you love you!


  1. Thanks for such a fun time on Friday! We keep talking about how great it was and that we certainly need to do that more often! The conversations are what entice us to come the most! You guys are wonderful and we love you tons!

  2. Glad Jack had a good birthday. Hope to see you all soon in a new house!
