Sunday, September 20, 2015

Happy in Hyde Park

Sign me up for the workout, Jenn!! I remember cutting and hauling wood with my grandpa way back in the day in the mountains by Manila. I'd love to take that trip down memory lane just to smell the fresh cut wood and feel the mountain air... The workout wouldn't be so bad either!

Speaking of workout, a few members of the family have expressed an interest in doing another family challenge. We'd have fewer categories and it would probably work a little differently than last time, but if you're game, let me know and we'll see if we can get something planned. It might be fun to start right away and do it until Thanksgiving time, when we would give awards. What do you think?

Dad surely enjoyed his birthday! Thanks isn't enough to say to express our gratitude to Ruth and Elise for coming so far and staying so long and working so hard to make things so nice! They cleaned out flower beds, painted doors, built a wonderful porch bench, make a new address sign, and brought some wonderful grandchildren to play with! It was a bit of a crazy day and I didn't get dinner on until late. The solution was to have Dad's birthday treat first - before dinner. So, we got dinner in the oven to cook, then pulled out the ice cream sundae ingredients. Funny thing - no one complained! Not one person refused to eat ice cream before dinner. Not sure what to think. Peter had made a little treasure hunt for Grandpa to find his presents - a new ice cream scoop, some chocolate licorice and some balloons! Truly, it couldn't have been a better day - unless the rest of you had been here :)  Elise, Emma and I went to see a few houses in the Parade of Homes, which was fun. It's hard to not covet, but mostly it was fun. Dad and I went to a meeting with Elder Ballard and Elder Clayton on his birthday. That was a treat! Now we are enjoying our lovely new-looking front doors and can't wait to get our bench painted so we can sit on the porch and visit like people in small towns are supposed to do.

Emma went to the homecoming dance on Dad's birthday too, and looked beautiful! Eliza even said so - "You a pretty geel, Emma." She had a delightful time because she chooses her friends wisely and they do fun things that are good. Her date, Jonah Wood,  didn't even seem to mind all the mess and chaos when he came to pick her up in the middle of the door-painting and had her home at a decent time!

Thomas went on the bus to Washington to cheer the Aggies on. They lost. I hear that Joe and Alex went to California to cheer the Cougars on. They lost. Maybe everyone should stay home next time and their favorite teams might win. Just a thought.

Well, good things are happening here. I hope good things are happening where you are. I hope you're remembering the Sabbath day. It's going to solve a lot of problems and bring a lot of blessings to our families if we catch hold of the purpose and meaning of that day! Keep it up, one and all!

I sure love belonging to this family! You are the best thing that ever happened to me - all of you!!! I attended a birth this morning and after the mom had her baby and was holding that sweet, "little" (10#) baby girl, she lovingly said, "Oh! You are everything I ever wanted!" It was her 9th baby! I know how she felt - each of you is all I ever wanted. I love you all tremendously! Thanks for being so great and getting great-er all the time!

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