Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Emanem's Exciting Enterprises

Ok, first, I have no idea what Enterprises mean, but I looked up synonyms for Adventures, and that's what came up so there ya go.  Mom wanted me to post some pictures from Homecoming.  It was a blast by the way! Every game we played, my date, Jonah, and I, dominated! we are now the Winning Team;) It was intense.... Jonah insisted that we play against the other three couples in water balloon volley ball, so I got nervous! at first, things were looking pretty slim, 4/1 :/ But then, Jonah made some great serves (okay, I held onto the other side of the towel, so I get some credit) and we totally beat them, 10-6!! We kinda forgot that they had all the water balloons on their side though.... We had to sprint.... A LOT! They chased us all over the park! I mean, 6 against 2? who came up with this? ;) Anyway, we got away without getting too incredibly wet, and then we went rollerblading, which was a blast, except the next day I had a couple of bruised ribs from falling down pretty hardcore;) Anyway, they dropped me off and I was able to get ready with the wonderful help of Jenny Fife (magic hairdresser), Elise (Makeup specialist), Ruth (cheerleader), Eliza (she helped me with my dress), Lauren (shoe saver), and Natalie (calming team).  It was pretty great;) felt slightly spoiled;) Oh, fun little side story. I was in the bathroom getting ready and Eliza sticks her head in and says: "Emma, you're a very pitty giwel!" totally made my life! she wrapped her arms as far as they would go around my dress and said it over and over! Such a sweetie! Anyway, as you'll see in the pics, Jonah looked very dashing and was nothing but a gentleman! Thomas wasn't there to intimidate, so that was even better;) we went to Jonah's house (GORGEOUS HOUSE, might I add) and took pictures in his grandma's back yard.  Then we went to Neil's house for a delicious dinner (salmon, potatoes, salad, fruit etc.).  We played a game called Guillotine (I think our boys would love it), and again, Jonah and I dominated! #WinningTeam! Then we went to the dance and just had a great time! then we went back to Neil's house for French Silk Pie:) It was pretty great! makes you all want to go back to high school I bet! Totes JK...I don't even wanna go back to high school.... Anyway.... I look super awkward in pictures, so don't look at me.  The rest of them look super cute though! 
 Neil, Ross, Jonah, Josh
Stacy, Keirsten, Me, Tess

 Yep...The one on the left... They're all great boys!

 Okay, before you judge me too harshly about the one below, they said think of dead puppies....What else was I going to do???? They were trying to get me to do a straight face....Jonah succeeded.


  1. So much fun! You are beautiful! I have some family pictures on my computer as a screensaver. The other day one of my co-workers came over and saw a picture of you and exclaimed, "She is gorgeous!" I had to agree!

  2. Aw gee! That's way too nice!! Love your coworker though;)
