Sunday, September 27, 2015

Flake Fun - Did It Again

27 Sept 2015 - We bought another house.  Well...we're buying another house.  The close date is Oct 30. It has been a whirlwind and has progressed really quickly.  We first saw the house on Labor Day and called the realtor to see if we could walk around.  We set up an appointment for that Thursday evening.  We thought it was a pretty cute, quirky house so we went home.  After talking it over we called our loan officer Friday morning and submitted a low ball offer to the realtor.  That night she called back to say that our offer had been accepted!  Talk about shock!  We did a couple deeper inspections and submitted our list of things that would need to be fixed.  We got word a few days ago that the list had been accepted too and the seller will be fixing them.   So...I guess we just wait now to see how quickly he fixes them. 

The house, like I said is a little quirky but won't require nearly as much fix up.  The list we submitted were just the big things (like a new furnace) and we left the smaller things (like painting the basement) for ourselves.  The house is currently rented under a short term contract to some of the construction workers that are building the Wal-Mart.  (Yes, construction has started so next time you visit there might be a completed Wal-Mart in Snowflake.)  We don't know the details of their rental contract so we don't know if they will be there at the end of October or not.

Here are some photos:

The basement/back door.  Love the little greenhouse!

I don't know why we buy houses with such ugly exterior paint!

The front room leading to the master bedroom

The master bedroom fireplace

The basement (he used it as an art studio)

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