Sunday, September 20, 2015

Flake Fun

20 Sept 2015 - First of all, happy birthday to the greatest Dad ever!

This week has been a little bit out of the ordinary. This was the week of the County Fair and since we work for the county, we were both involved with that.  I had a 2 day training in Tucson to start the week which was pretty good but very hot.  I got back on Tuesday night.  Scott was on fair finance duty all day on Wednesday and finally got home around 11:45pm.  Thursday was a fairly normal day I think.  Friday was busy running around doing errands and bottling tomatoes.  And yesterday we spent the whole day working at the fair and finished the day and week attending the rodeo. 

In all of his "spare" time Scott was also able to split some of the wood that we cut last Saturday.  Oh, I didn't tell you about last Saturday so let's back up.....

We have 2 different types of wood permits this year.  One is for hardwood and takes us about 30 minutes to get to the designated cutting area.  The other is for softwood and it takes us about 2 hours to get to the cutting area.  Scott's truck holds 3/4 of a cord.  Since the only time that we really have to cut wood is on the weekends, we decided to try and get 2 loads of softwood in one day.  Scott borrowed Uncle Dude's small trailer (holds 3/4 cord) and we decided to start early.  Neither of us slept very soundly on Friday night so, since we were both up, we left around 4:30AM Saturday morning.  Scott loaded the truck while I grabbed some snacks and water and made bagel sandwiches for breakfast.  We ate on the go and were able to watch a pretty nice sunrise.  We cut wood until we had filled up both the truck and the trailer. The area was really soggy due to lots of rain so we almost got stuck a few times getting in and out.  We got back to the house with our first load about 1:00 I think.  To speed up the unloading, we simply dumped the load and left it in a chaotic pile in the back yard.  Scott returned the trailer while I threw a quick lunch together and we ate on the go again.  This time we found a place with ground that wasn't quite so soggy.  We had everything cut and loaded in a couple of hours and were headed back around 5:30.  We arrived and once again just threw the wood on the pile in the back yard.  I think we were in bed by 8:30 and slept VERY soundly.  

If anyone wants a full body work out, we still have a couple of trips left!

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