Sunday, September 6, 2015

Nilsson News

Happy Fall to everyone!  I don't about everyone else, but I can definitely feel fall in the air.  It honestly happened over night.  It has been really windy the past several days and it blew the cooler temps in for sure.  Usually when I wake up in the morning, it is around 75 degrees and this morning it was 69 degrees folks!  I'm already envisioning pumpkins, corn mazes, sweaters and beautiful colors.  As a type 3 this is my season!
I would have to agree with Mom and the amazingness of our recent canning adventure.  I just have to add that mom is incredible to deal with all the mess of canning and grandkids.  What a saint!  We were glad to see Emma home earlier on Friday.  Her football game was cancelled due to lightning and you could tell she was not the least bit disappointed.  I think sometime we need to have an Emma weekend. She is always so good to help with the kids and puts up with the dullness of adulthood whenever we come to just visit.  We need to have some dedicated time for games and fun and not do it as an after thought or when we're all too tired from canning.  Emma, you are terrific!
As an update:  Eliza is doing well with her potty training and we are lessening the amount of accidents each day.  Henry is sitting up pretty well and is starting to scoot like a caterpillar.  Mobility is right around the corner!  Addy is eating up the school thing and is doing great with her new piano teacher (do you all remember my friend Anarie White?).  Emerson is starting to show that he loves math and chemistry.  He is going to be more of the analytical kind, for which I'm very grateful but I'm not going to be able to help him out much in that area - it takes a good brain.  Garrett is still doing the bishop thing and the D.I. thing.  he is again considering the option of school, but we'll see what pans out.
Today in Relief Society I learned that I need to be a chocolate chip.  When the going gets tough and there's a lot of heat, don't melt under the pressure.  Remain firm and stand out.  Be the best part of the cookie.  It was a great lesson!  Happy Labor Day!

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