Sunday, December 30, 2018

Manning Mredictions

Nick came up with that great title! We sure had a great time with everyone over Christmas! I hope nobody gets pneumonia however. The highlight for us was talking to Emma and visiting with such delightful people. Wesley is doing much better and was bouncing off the wall all day so things are looking up. We love you all!


Lauren: The parents will get a mission call, Wesley will be potty trained, Ruth will run a marathon, Harts will start another business in lawn maintenance, Thomas will become a motivational speaker, A big change in how we do missionary work, 10 New Temples, Undercover missionaries in Israel.

Nick: Peter and Henry will have a falling out but will make restitution within a day, Robin will deliver triplets (maybe in Arizona), Jenn and Scott will have amazing sleeper babies, Joe will get hired to do post production work for FBI training videos, Harts will figure out a way to use their UFO drones to blow leaves off their lawn, Ruth will singlehandedly build the Hart's next rental property in a weekend, Emma will baptize an entire family, President Nelson will talk about ministering successes in April General Conference, T & T will costar in the next big reality TV show entitled "Wacky-Six," A temple in mainland China, every family has pneumonia in January, Jim wins ping pong tournament, President Nelson issues challenge in Priesthood session having to do with temple work or ministering or reading The Book of Mormon, Lauren masters canning and finances and continues to be the Manning's saving grace, I will officially resign as presider of the home and surrender to Wesley's incessant orders.

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