Sunday, December 2, 2018

Nilsson News

Happy December!  The countdown has now begun.  It's the holiday season.  I don't know how it comes so quickly and I wish it would last a little longer.  I'm thinking back and trying to think about what I can write about, but all we have to report is that everyone has been sick.  The kids have liked to individually claim the spotlight so the sickie season has dragged on and on.  Today was the third Sunday in a row that we haven't been to church as a family.  Henry is the only one left so hopefully we will be through it soon.
Garrett has his final Spartan race this weekend.  It is in L.A. so he is flying there Friday night, racing on Saturday morning and flying home Saturday night.  Quick trip. 
Sorry this was such a drab report.  I think next week will be a little more eventful.

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