Monday, December 3, 2018

Flake Fun

The excitement of this week was that we got snow...well, a heavy frost...well, frost.  The weather has been pretty temperamental this week with consistent wind and inconsistent temperatures and moisture.  We did get a little bit of hail yesterday but it only lasted for a few minutes.  There really was some snow on the roofs yesterday but it was gone pretty quickly.

Things are good in the Flake household.  We are having a hard time believing that it is already December.  It has been a year since Scott moved over to working for the Town of Pinetop Lakeside. It has been a good move for him and for us.  He is working with great people and learning a lot. 

On Saturday we spent a good chunk of time splitting and stacking wood.  I think we only have 2-3 more days of splitting and stacking before our big logs are all taken care of.  I noticed that the patches of grass that I planted several months ago are still growing strong which was quite exciting.  I now have confidence that I'll be able to get grass in the backyard next year! 

Well, that is about all that we have to report! We haven't been sick, despite Jenn having sick co-workers.  Hope that you all have a good week! 

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