Sunday, December 9, 2018

Flake Fun

This week was kind of long but we survived.  On Tuesday we had our first Relief Society activity/quarterly meeting.  It was Soup with Sisters.  We had a little soup pot luck and each of the ladies brought something that represented her.  We set them all up and played a guessing game to figure out who went with which item.  It was really fun to get to know a little more about the ladies in our ward.

The other day we went outside and the sun was shining.  We could see to the bottom of the horse tank where the fish are and they are all still alive.  Underneath the fish was a huge pile of sludge so we cleaned that out.  OH MAN!!! Who knew that it would stick so bad?  It was nasty!  But now the fish have clean(er) water to swim in!

Hope that you all have a great week and feel better.  Can't wait to see Mom & Dad's new house.  We are planning to get there sometime the weekend before Christmas.  We'll keep you all in the loop as our plans firm up!

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