Sunday, December 30, 2018

Previous Predictions

Well, I tried to find predictions from earlier this year, but I only found guesses about where Emma would go on her mission. The predictions for the previous year, 2017, have been lost (like a number of other things) during our recent move. I will keep looking to see what I can find. But, I did find this list - from 2016 - that I thought was interesting in light of recent happenings...

Lori:  New apostle and new prophet; Another set of twins in the family; Donald Trump gets rid of his toupee; Change in Joe's employment situation
Joe:  Dad take an international trip; Snow in June; Harts move to Utah; Scott has new job and another rental property; New technology to change the world the way Apple did
Elise:  Joe goes solo - leaves BYU; Ruth and Garrett will move
Alex:  New baby for Elise
Ian:  Jenn have a baby; New prophet
Jack:  Ian will lose his ipod
Ruth:  Emma finishes American School; Jack will lose another tooth; Garrett starts PhD at USU
Lauren: Thomas and Ruth will have a major life change; Harts will be expecting a new addition; Ruth and Garrett will be teaching Primary in a new ward; A new apostle; Nick will student teach seminary
Nick:  Mannings will have a baby boy; Jim will have to make room for another ward in his building; Sky View will beat American Fork in band; New prophet; Harts have a new house
Mom:  Dad will still work at USU and we will still live in Hyde Park
Dad: Brother Hales will pass away

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