Sunday, August 27, 2017

Nilsson News

Emma, you are so funny!  Um, yes I will be at your endowment session but you definitely pose a problem for us with not being available to babysit.  My little sis is growing up (sniffle, tear).  College will be great and it sounds like Jenn pretty well prepared you with the most needed essentials.  Word of advice, beware of awesome guys on skateboards that "Could be wicked (or rebellious) and wouldn't."  Singing tenors also have a way of swooning as well so I'd take caution in that realm.  Also, don't keep announcing the countdown to your mission unless you don't plan on going because it really got me in trouble;)
So yes, the eclipse was completely out of this world!  Literally.  I have never seen anything as spectacular as that and I think I will definitely travel to see the next one that happens in the USA seven years from now.  I was so amazed that you couldn't really tell that the sun was being covered unless you had the glasses on and then all of the sudden it was totality!  You definitely should have Alex tell you his story of the poor, uniformed soul who is driving along when totality hits.  Hilarious!  Joe, you may suggest it to Studio C.  What an experience!
Well, yesterday Garrett was cutting down a pine tree and it fell on our house.  It was pretty exciting and we are grateful that no one was hurt, other than our step ladder who sadly was the only that didn't get out of the way in time.  Only cosmetic damage was done.
I was given the dream calling this week!  I will now be serving as the primary chorister.  Hip, hip hooray!  I am really excited.  Emerson will be getting baptized this Saturday at 10:00.  You are all welcome to come but I totally understand if that isn't possible.  I will be sending you an email invite since I have not been on the ball and put them in the mail in time.
Love you all!

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