Sunday, August 6, 2017

... And Loving It

Howdy fam.  Not lots to report even though I haven't been on for awhile.  A few weeks ago I got to go to Yanny and Joe's houses which was super fun and I loved it a lot.  Thanks for letting me over siblings! it's really the greatest.

Band camp was this week, which basically means I'm really tired and tan.  We learned the whole show which was cool and hopefully the kids don't forget the whole thing when they come back on the fifteenth.  I think the show is one that the kids really like and can get behind which always helps performances be a lot more fun.  The staff is comprised completely of rookies so that's definitely interesting. We have a lot of fun, but we probably don't get as much done as the last staff did.  Which is totally fine by me!! we have lots of fun and we actually like what we're doing so that's a nice change from the last staff.

Anyway, that's about it for this time around! hope you all have a great week! love you.

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