Sunday, August 13, 2017

....And Loving It

I'm probably not loving it as much as usual but hey, that's life.  I honestly don't have anything to say this week, so I'm just going to ask all of you for suggestions of how to college.  I'm really not very excited to start, mostly because I've had a great summer and I don't want it to end, but also I burned myself out with We the People the last three months of school :P Anyway, what can I do to enjoy college and have a good time, but also get all my stuff done? I'm not a fan of those get together's that are like, 'hey, you don't have any friends so come join us and lets play super awkward games and embarrass everybody' or anything, so I probably won't be doing the whole forced social thing, but other than that, do y'all have any ideas? :) if so I'd love to hear about them.  School starts in about two weeks! Love you all.  Have a great week.


  1. Hey Em! To be honest, my first semester of college was not fun but I think it was coupled with the moving away from home factor which I wasn't too keen on. My saving grace: Institute. Usually the institute has a lot of fun activities and the classes are awesome. The students are there because they want to be. Study groups are also great you can get homework done while socializing with hopefully the smarter people of the bunch. Take a fun class! In addition to the required classes I took a sewing class, racquetball and quilting. It is a time to get your feet wet and figure out the college world. Also, go to a college ward. They really are fun and not all about finding a future companion. Love ya sis!

  2. Amen to Ruth's comment! Also it's easy to get stressed out about how busy things get in college but if you look at the big picture lots of those things don't matter. Try to notice other people who need a friend or just a smile. Lots of people there have some big problems and you could be such a light. There are opportunities every day to make someone's day better! You will love college! I'm excited for you!

  3. College I feel like is one of those things that you get out what you put into it. If you put in just a little bit of effort and wait for things to get good and interesting, it probably won't happen, but you give it your best shot with an open mind and a good dose of curiosity, it could be brilliant! Remember, it is about learning, not about a grade per se. Also, I just echo was Ruth said. Institute is awesome!
