Sunday, August 27, 2017

Hyde Park Highlights

Joe, those grapes are incredible!  Yummy!!  If you want me to bring the juicer down, let me know....

So, I got to see 92% of the eclipse in Salt Lake City. Not nearly as fun as totality and being with family in Idaho. But it was still good - and I got to renew my license. It was great to see the pictures and hear the stories from everyone's perspective. Dad and Emma agreed that it was definitely worth the drive to be there. Thanks for sending the pictures - and count us in for Texas, Australia and Nephi in the coming eclipse years!!!

The YSA students returned this weekend, which made things a bit crazy at church today. There is a great energy and spirit that comes with the beginning of a semester.  Dad and I spoke tonight at a stake fireside, which always terrifies me. But it is over and we both survived. The really great part about sitting on the stand is hearing them sing.  Boy, do they ever sing those hymns! And that brings a really amazing spirit to the meetings.

I spent another day at an IV skills class in Salt Lake this week - and have bruises to show for my effort. Dad and Emma came with me and drove down to see Lauren while I was poking and getting poked. They enjoyed their short visit in American Fork and when they returned we did some business at Zion's Bank, then went shopping for a few things for Emma. We were shocked when we went to the Gateway Mall and found most of the stores closed up!  It was rather eerie with only a handful of places still open. Very strange. Dad said it has been purchased, but the new owners haven't done much with it yet.

We are very much enjoying the harvest. I wish we lived closer to Joe so we could trade some berries for grapes.  We have an abundance of raspberries and blackberries, but not many grapes. The beans are also on, as well as tomatoes and peppers. We've also dug up some potatoes and onions and the corn is looking about ready, also. We'll be picking apples before long, too! Gotta love this delicious time of year!

I applied for a midwifery license in Idaho a while back and heard from them this week and was granted a license to practice there. I don't plan to go very far into Idaho, but there may be a few moms I can help in the Franklin and Preston area.

Great things to look forward to next weekend - Emerson's baptism and Hope's blessing. We hope to get to both events and see some of you there!  Love you all!

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