Sunday, August 27, 2017

...And Loving It

So yeah the eclipse was pretty much the coolest thing on the face of the planet, and the traffic was actually the worst thing on the face of the planet.... Opposition in all things, right? But anyway, I'm very glad I went and it was SUPER fun.  Y'all shouldn't be so far away.

School starts this week so that'll be an adventure.  I've got Chem 1010, Philosophy, English 2010, Nutrition 1030, Institute, Zumba, and Ice Skating.  Pray for me ;) Nah it'll be a good time, just not lots of time to do fun things, which is really sad because I had a REALLY fun summer.  Dad took me on a tour of all my buildings for this semester and I am proud to say between Zumba and Ice Skating, I will get in my cardio running from one side of campus to the other in ten minutes.

Do you know Brother Day? He's a bishop in dad's stake and he's really funny.  We ran into him on campus the other day and he promptly told me not to go on a mission because he had four or five boys for me to try before I made any hasty decisions.  Ya, not happening pal.  That's for BYU only I'm afraid.  Congratulations to me, I can start my papers in December, have my call by February and be outta here by May! Also I think I'll be going to the temple to get my endowments relatively soon and was hoping maybe some of you could come? I'm afraid I can't babysit your kids though.... Also we should go back and have a redo of all your weddings so I can come.  Deal?

If you have any survival tips for college, I'd love to hear them.  Jenn gave me a college survival kit for Christmas and I'm proud to say I ate all my oreos, have pepper spray in my purse, a head lamp in the car, phase ten for when I go to the library to 'study', and face cards for when I feel rebellious.  Anything else I need?

Love you all. Have a great week not going to college ;)


  1. Lucky! You get a car in college!!

  2. Don't forget breath mints, chapstick, and a water bottle! Other than that it sounds like you're set!
